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Emergency Water Damage Restoration in Farmington Hills, MI

24/7 Water Damage Repair & Restoration Services

ServiceMaster Disaster Services - Farmington Hills is a trusted provider of water damage restoration services for residential and commercial properties alike. Our teams are available 24/7 to help with emergency water mitigation to prevent further damage from occurring on your property.

Our experienced technicians are highly trained and certified in water damage restoration. They utilize the latest technological advances to quickly and effectively remove excess water and restore your property to its pre-damaged state.

For reliable water damage restoration in Farmington Hills, MI, call us at (734) 294-6057 or contact us online today!

Understanding Water Mitigation Services

 Standing water in a living room before water damage restoration services

Water damage can wreak havoc on your property, leading to structural damage, mold growth, and other health hazards. That's where water mitigation comes into play. Water mitigation is the process of preventing or reducing further water damage to your property. This process can include everything from extracting standing water to repairing or replacing damaged structures and items.

The key to successful water mitigation is acting fast. Delaying or postponing water mitigation can result in significant damage and ultimately increase restoration costs. At ServiceMaster, we specialize in timely water mitigation services, using industry-leading equipment and techniques to extract standing water, reduce moisture levels, and bring your property back to normalcy. Our experts are always ready to help you with a detailed plan, ensuring your property is restored to its pre-damage condition.

Your Go-To Water Damage Restoration Team in Farmington Hills

Our goal is to complete all water damage restoration jobs quickly, efficiently, and with minimal interruption to your daily routine. When you choose ServiceMaster Disaster Services - Farmington Hills for water damage restoration needs, you can be sure that your property and possessions are in good hands.

To learn more about our water damage restoration and mitigation services in Farmington Hills, call us at (734) 294-6057 or contact us online today!

frequently asked questions 

  • How long does it take water to cause structural damage? 

    The length of time it takes for water to cause structural damage depends on several factors, such as the type of materials affected, the amount of water, and the environmental conditions. In general, water can start to cause structural damage within hours of exposure to certain materials, such as drywall, wood, and insulation. 

    For example, drywall can start to sag or crumble within hours of exposure to water, while wood can begin to warp or swell within 24-48 hours. If the water is not removed or dried properly, it can lead to more serious structural damage and even mold growth within a few days to a week. Mold growth can also weaken structural materials and pose health risks to occupants. 

    It's important to address water damage as soon as possible to prevent or minimize structural damage. If you notice any signs of water damage, such as discoloration, swelling, or musty odors, it's best to consult with a professional restoration company for proper assessment and remediation.
  • What should be done immediately after water damage?

    The first step after experiencing water damage is to turn off the water source, if applicable. This can be done by turning off the main valve or shutting off the water to the affected area. Then, you can assess the damage and remove any standing water. By mopping or using towels you can dry the affected areas as best as possible. 

    After the initial cleanup, it is important to contact our water damage restoration experts. We can assess the full extent of the damage, provide a thorough cleaning, and prevent further damage. We will also provide advice on how to prevent future water damage. 

    Finally, it is important to document the water damage. Take pictures of the affected areas, the sources of the water, and any damage caused by the water. These will be important when filing an insurance claim.