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Emergency Response Planning in Midland, MI

Prepare for the worst with services from the best. Disasters can strike without warning, posing danger to a business, employees, and business continuity. Planning ahead and preparing for the unthinkable is your best route to mitigating losses. When your pre-loss plans include ServiceMaster by Fuson, you are better prepared for the unexpected. We can minimize damage and help you get back to business quickly and efficiently. Losing even a single day can be devastating to your productivity, profits, and reputation.

According to FEMA, 40% of small businesses do not reopen their doors after a disaster. Just a few inches of water can cause thousands of dollars in damage.

Minimize Downtime with Effective Disaster Recovery Solutions

At ServiceMaster Restoration by FUSON, we understand the importance of keeping your business up and running, even in the face of unexpected events. Our team of experts specializes in providing comprehensive disaster recovery solutions to help you minimize downtime and get back to business as quickly as possible.

Our services include:

  • Emergency response planning: We work with you to develop a customized emergency response plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan ensures that you are prepared for any type of disaster and have the necessary steps in place to mitigate damage and protect your assets.
  • Business continuity and pre-loss planning: Our team can assist you in developing a comprehensive business continuity plan that outlines the procedures and protocols to be followed in the event of a disaster. This proactive approach helps minimize the impact of unplanned events and ensures a smooth transition to recovery.
  • Identification and addressing of vulnerabilities: We conduct thorough assessments of your facility to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. By addressing these issues proactively, we can help prevent or minimize the impact of future disasters.

With our extensive experience in disaster recovery and our in-depth knowledge of various industries, we are well-equipped to handle any unplanned event that may arise. Put our expertise to work for your business and gain peace of mind knowing that you have a trusted partner by your side.

We help you identify and address the following:

  • How exposed are you and your business?
  • What are your primary areas of risk?
  • Is your employee roster up to date and is all contact information stored in one place?
  • Have all of your emergency contacts been identified?
  • Have all of your suppliers and vendors been identified?
  • Does your business have the financial strength to survive a disaster?
  • Do you carry the appropriate insurance for all areas of exposure?
  • What is your operational contingency plan if your facility is to be compromised?
  • What are the emergency procedures unique to your type of business?

This no-cost plan allows you to take a proactive approach to plan for and respond to a variety of events that could have a significant impact on your business, facility, employees, and customers. We will assist you in the development of this document and train you on how to maximize this tool within your organization. We are ServiceMaster Restore, your expert partner in Disaster Restoration and preparation.

We Know Your Industry as Well as We Know Our Own

When you’re faced with a disaster, you want a partner who knows the ins and outs of your specific industry. At ServiceMaster by Fuson, we have extensive restoration experience in a number of industries including:

  • Public & Private Schools
  • Retail
  • Government Buildings
  • Churches
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Hospitality
  • High-Rise Buildings
  • Commercial Office
  • Telecommunications
  • Multi-Family
  • Small Businesses
  • Factory & Warehouses
  • Malls & Retail Stores
  • Office Complexes
  • Commercial Businesses
  • Military Facilities

Restoring Peace of Mind

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