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Mold Remediation Services In Phoenix

Expert Mold Removal Company Near You

Each home has its own unique set of needs and ServiceMaster Restoration by Desert Dry’s mold remediation services in Phoenix can help homeowners protect their property and ensure a healthier living environment. Mold is a serious problem that can cause health risks, damage to your home, and an unpleasant smell.

Our specialists are certified in the latest technologies and methodologies so you can be sure that the job will be done right the first time. With fast response times and top-notch customer service, we pride ourselves on being able to solve even the toughest cases of mold. Whether you need permanent removal or prevention measures, ServiceMaster Restoration by Desert Dry is here to help 24/7/365.

Call our remediation specialists today at(602) 691-6757 orcontact us online for professional mold remediation services in Phoenix!

Understanding Mold

The best prevention of mold is to quickly repair water damage. Mold is often a problem associated with leaks and flooding and can cause damage to your property’s structure and the content inside. Mold issues should be addressed as soon as they are recognized in order to prevent damage from spreading and to restore the safety and appearance of the property.

ServiceMaster Restoration by Desert Dry offers fast, effective mold remediation in Phoenix as part of our complete restoration services for homes and businesses that have sustained damage from flooding.

Mold infestation can lead to:

  • Structural damage to foundations, HVAC systems, drywall, roofing, gutters, furnishings, and other areas.

  • Health problems that include headaches, skin irritation, allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, aggravation of asthma symptoms, and more.

Not sure if you have mold in your home? Some things you should be on the lookout for:

  • Dark spots on your floors, walls, or ceilings

  • Musty odors of mildew

  • Respiratory and allergy issues

  • High humidity levels resulting in condensation on glass or metal surfaces

ServiceMaster Restoration by Desert Dry’s Mold Remediation Process

ServiceMaster Restoration by Desert Dry’s mold remediation process focuses on a comprehensive approach to mold management. First, we will perform an inspection to identify the type of mold and the extent of the infestation.

Following that, our licensed and certified technicians use state-of-the-art equipment to contain and remove mold from the affected area. Additionally, they will remove any excess moisture to reduce environmental conditions that support its growth.

We use advanced products and equipment to ensure that all affected surfaces are thoroughly sanitized and dried. All of these steps work together to create a safe living space for you, free from any potential health risks associated with long-term mold exposure.

Why Choose ServiceMaster Restoration by Desert Dry

When it comes to selecting a mold remediation service, ServiceMaster Restoration by Desert Dry is a trusted choice. Backed by a national brand with over 65 years of experience, we have extensive knowledge of how to properly and safely remove mold from your home or business.

Our goal is to make sure that your home or business is restored quickly and efficiently -- which makes us the perfect choice for anyone seeking top-quality mold remediation services.

Mold can be damaging to your home and health, call our team at(602) 691-6757 orcontact us online to restore your home from mold damage.

Mold Abatement

Mold underneath a kitchen sink

Mold around a cabinet

Mold abatement

Mold abatement in progress

After mold is cleared

Cabinets over an opened wall

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